Electricity and electronics: State, explain and apply principles used in electrodynamics

Subject outcome
Subject outcome 4.1: State, explain and apply principles used in electrodynamics

Learning outcomes
- Identify and differentiate between stationary and moving electrical machines (transformer, generator, and motor)
- Describe the efficiency of stationary and moving electrical machines
- Define single-phase and three-phase and identify its applications.
- Define and calculate energy transfer in an electrical circuit.
- Define and calculate electrical power and identify its application on tools, etc.
- Determine the relationship between current, pd, resistance and power.

Unit 1 outcomes
By the end of this unit you will be able to:
- Identify and differentiate between stationary and moving electrical machines (transformer generator and motor).
- Describe the efficiency of stationary and moving electrical machines.
- Define single-phase and three-phase.
- Identify the applications of single- and three-phase electricity.

Unit 2 outcomes
By the end of this unit you will be able to:
- Define and calculate energy transfer in an electrical circuit.
- Define and calculate electrical power.
- Identify the application of power on tools, etc.
- Determine the relationship between current, pd, resistance and power.